CLEP exams are not a cheat code to gaining college credit. Do not register for one unless you are confident you know the material. Study guides that preview the material are available in each ...
After you complete the coursework and practice questions, request a CLEP voucher code from the Modern States website. Visit the College Board website to pay the $95.00 CLEP registration fee.
Some students may qualify to "test out" of certain classes or to earn college credit for certain tests available at the Testing Center. There will be a maximum of 30 credit hours for credit for prior ...
The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a collection of standardized tests that allow students to receive college credit for what they already know. Demonstrated proficiency within specific ...
Matriculated students wishing to earn credits through CLEP exams must obtain approval prior to taking the exams through an approved academic petition which is available on the Academic Forms page. A ...