CLEP scores for exams taken at previous institutions are evaluated only ... Biology, General 50 BIOS 1050, 1120* 6 sem. hrs. Calculus 50 - 59 MATH 2000 4 sem. hrs. 60 or higher MATH 1220 4 sem. hrs.
Demonstrated proficiency within specific disciplines through examination will allow students to bypass elective coursework. KSC accepts credit for many CLEP exams, provided a minimum qualifying score ...
CLEP tests are appropriate for returning adult students, graduating high school seniors, and currently enrolled college students. CLEP subject examination credit may not be earned if the student has ...
Matriculated students wishing to earn credits through CLEP exams must obtain approval prior to taking the exams through an approved academic petition which is available on the Academic Forms page. A ...
CLEP may not be taken in the same subject as the student's major ... ENGL 1TR for the American Literature exam.