This is the third in a series.] The intentional denial or erasure of African achievements played a crucial role in ...
As one of the first civilizations to adopt Christianity, Aksum played a crucial role in shaping the religious landscape of Africa. The Elamites established the oldest known civilization in Iran ...
Cheikh Anta Diop, taken from The African Origin of Civilisation. In his two major works Nations Negres et Culture and Anteriorite des Civilizations Negres he profoundly influenced thinking about ...
However, the list fails to take into account the marvels from many of the ancient civilizations of Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas, as the Hellenics didn’t know about their existence.
A breathtaking and personal journey through two hundred thousand years of history, from the origins, on the African continent, of art, writing and civilization itself, through the millennia in ...
But one of our crews started the story about as far away from civilization as you can get! Deep inside Africa’s Congo River basin… On the trail of a new theory, that might explain a critical ...
For decades, the most prominent homes for African art were within museums in Europe. That has changed, especially with the December opening of Senegal’s Museum of Black Civilizations ...
The Fertile Crescent, often referred to as “the cradle of civilization,” is the crescent-shaped region in Western Asia and North Africa that spans the modern-day countries of Iraq, Turkey, Syria, ...
In 1919, UChicago Egyptologist James Henry Breasted formed the Oriental Institute (OI)—a world-renowned museum and interdisciplinary research center dedicated to the study of early civilizations in ...
In Xi's eyes, no civilization in the world is superior to others, and every civilization is equal and unique. "Civilizations ...