The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
For 250 years, the US Army has adapted as a living organization composed of operating units and institutional organizations ...
They were used by the Confederate Army to halt Union ... he shows two examples of these rare forgotten weapons of history, the historic Civil War-era landmine! A development that would strike ...
Civil War reenactors are camped out there all weekend and they’re inviting the public to come learn about what they do.
Throughout much of the Civil War, a key Union objective was to ... thus ending Burnside's campaign. 5. Rifled Musket Union and Confederate troops make use of the rifled musket, which can be ...
State lawmaker wants to add security for Confederate monuments not just related to the Civil War. It comes as South Carolina ...
Thanks to its comprehensive collection of Confederate artifacts, weapons and art, this museum is a required stop for Civil War buffs. American Civil War Museum at Historic Tredegar The Historic ...