Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man introduces Peter Parker's classmate and friend Nico Minoru, who has a longstanding history in Marvel Comics. In Marvel's comics, Cindy Moon was a teenager ...
That leaves the character free and clear for the producers of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man to introduce her in future seasons. We think Cindy Moon is perhaps the most likely candidate as ...
On being asked about what Spider-Man 2's ending means for Peter's future in the next title, Lownethal confirmed that Peter "won't be relegated to the couch" and will play a key role in Spider-Man 3: ...
On the other hand, we also were introduced to Cindy Moon in the post-credits scene who is Silk from the comics. We assume Spider-Man 3 will build off of the same structure as Spider-Man 2 ...
one of the Spider-Man series' main antagonists. A second scene focusing on Miles' family introduces us very briefly to his mother's new boyfriend Albert Moon, and Albert's daughter, Cindy.