Although commonly bought as a holiday plant, there’s no reason not to enjoy the Christmas cactus all year round with these easy steps.
Fertilizing Christmas cactus plants is key to getting the best blooms. Christmas cactuses bloom in winter, when the days grow cool and short. While low light levels trigger flowering, fertilizing ...
Christmas flowers are a thoughtful way to brighten any home during the festive season. But with winter's chill and the central heating on full blast, keeping cut flowers fresh can be a challenge.
They could stay underground for a few more months. But, when tricked into growing, "the hyacinth is one of the flowers you can have at Christmas," said Matthieu Velé, head of the horticultural ...
Tracey Besemer, a gardener from Rural Sprout, has shared that the best way to ensure a Christmas cactus stays healthy and also produces incredible flowers is to feed it the right fertiliser.
among other things, the Nativity scene, the tree, the Christmas flower (more traditional in Mexico), the baby Jesus and Santa Claus.