Some 210 feet below, the Temple Square grounds are undergoing a similar makeover that will eventually include 14 new ...
Built in 1922 by the Catholic Church, the Christ the Redeemer statue is inside the Tijuca National Park, a sprawling 3,953-hectare expanse of restored Atlantic Forest recognized as one of the ...
Inspired by Rio de Janeiro's famous Christ the Redeemer statue, a 3D-printed Cristo Paisa monument was recently unveiled in Colombia's popular Comuna 13 neighborhood, where it attracted hundreds of ...
An Orthodox Christian man remains unapologetic after claiming to have repeatedly destroyed the demonic statute that satanists erected outside the New Hampshire State House in Concord last month ...
Rio de Janeiro's Archbishop Orani Tempesta leads a Catholic Mass at the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro on May 30. - Bruna Prado/AP The Church and proponents of the bill, on the other ...