neck muscle spasms, and, in rare cases, numbness or weakness in the limbs. When an infection or allergy is the cause, a stiff ...
Michelle Durham: This is not just a little cough spell or spasm ... and those things can lead to chronic cough. Asthma can, as well. But there are other common causes. One of the biggest ones ...
Your airways start to overreact, causing spasms that lead to wheezing and coughing. A severe asthma attack can cause shortness of breath, and a tight feeling in your chest. Your skin may pull in ...
Your cough can taste bad for many reasons. When a metallic taste is paired with coughing, you may have an upper respiratory infection like a cold. This can cause ... is a severe and intense ...
Dr. Duffy says asthma, reflux, post-nasal drip, and drugs like ACE inhibitors for blood pressure, cause the most coughs. GERD, or reflux, can cause coughing, although coughing can also cause GERD.
Dry cough occurs when the airways are irritated or inflamed typically from something like allergies. Most things that cause dry cough ... Acid reflux Chronic dry cough is a common symptom of ...
This also results in wheezing, coughing ... cause these spasms. Cold temperatures, smoking or vaping, general anesthesia used in surgery are other causes. Experiencing a severe, or distressing ...