Or it could be a condition that results in one or both of the vocal cords becoming paralyzed. Most of the time, causes such as a cold, allergies, or inhaled irritants are the culprit, but hoarseness ...
This week, Dr. Yasawardene speaks to MediScene about what can cause a hoarse voice and home remedies that could help you recover faster. An inflammation in the mucous membrane lining the voice box or ...
Many people notice that their voice becomes raspy, hoarse, or breathy. If you try to speak when you have aphonia, speaking ...
Rheumatoid arthritis can cause hoarse voices and trouble swallowing. Here’s what to do. Question: Lately, my voice has been raspy and hoarse, but it doesn’t seem to be related to a cold. Could it have ...
Laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx (voice box), often leading to hoarseness or loss of voice. This can happen with ...
A minuscule one in their voice box. RA can also attack the cricothyroid joint. When it does, it causes a limited vocal range, along with hoarseness. Finally, RA nodules can form on the back of the ...
A 56-year-old man presented with complaint of gradually progressive hoarseness of voice since 6 months ... superior mediastinum on CT scan in case of suspected vocal cord palsy to exclude vascular ...
She complained of tiredness, and a hoarse voice, but remembered nothing of the collapse ... Others include Marfan's syndrome, pregnancy, chest trauma, and iatrogenic causes. 3 In the setting of ...