How often do you meow or purr at your cat? Are you more likely to talk to your cat in “cat” or in “human”? Occasionally, I find myself purring back at my cat Lovie, if she has wandered up ...
Cats use their voices to communicate a variety of emotions, from excitement to affection to hunger. While some breeds are naturally quiet, others love to “talk” to their owners all day long. These ...
I think my cat needs a therapist. When I adopted her, she was really shy and it is taking her a long time to warm up. What can I do? —Cat Mama DEAR CAT MAMA: The very first ...
Cats and dogs are often portrayed as enemies. Tom and Jerry would not be half as much fun without Spike making his macho appearances and terrorising Tom. In real life, the story is more complex.
DEAR PET TALK: I am an artist and do a lot of paintings of pets, including cats. I work from photographs and try to be accurate on every detail, including fur patterns, body proportions, shapes of ...