The best credit card reader for your small business depends on your budget, the features you need and whether you’re using it alongside a larger POS system. Here is our list of the best credit ...
Suprema BioEntry R2 is a Compact RFID card & Fingerprint Reader exclusively designed for centralized access control systems. Packed in a slim, mullion-type design, BioEntry R2 provides high-definition ...
Each time an access attempt is made the controller verifies the data on the ID card and will then either allow or deny access. The ADE5300 can be configured to control up to 8 doors separately or up ...
First available as external devices for one type of card, readers were subsequently built into the computer to handle all popular formats. Also known as a "memory card reader/writer," "flash ...
Often the term will bring to mind the ability to pay by holding your phone over a reader, but the system can also use NFC tags embedded in credit cards, ID card, passports, and the like.