But how does it work in real life, and what should you know before adding it to your car? Nitrous oxide is not a new discovery and dates back to 1772. It's been used for a few applications ...
If you've watched a car movie like the "Fast and the Furious" franchise in recent years, you might've noticed them pressing a button and the car suddenly getting a massive boost in engine power.
A Houston dentist led cops on a brief chase Saturday before getting nabbed with more than 100 canisters of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, stashed inside his car — and admitted he likes puffing ...
Nashville police say two out-of-state men were arrested after they tried to sell 51,000 grams of nitrous oxide to officers.
An Oklahoma mother is working with lawmakers to pass House Bill 1933, which would make it illegal to inhale, possess, buy, or sell nitrous oxide and related paraphernalia, while still allowing its use ...
These huge canisters of commercially branded nitrous oxide have only been widely ... Some of them were found passed out at the wheel of a car, and all of them were people in their 20s and 30s.
OFFICERS STOPPED THE CAR FOR NOT USING ADEQUATE LIGHTING WHEN ... a California Highway Patrol officer found multiple bottles of nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as whippets, inside the vehicle ...
In Orange, three people were killed when a driver smashed into a pole, causing the car to ignite. A nitrous oxide tank and several balloons were found inside the wreckage, according to officials.