Some Calculus II students can pass this exam without any studying, but all students should review the topics before taking the exam. The material on the exam is divided into two areas: Differentiation ...
Curves on classes can make all the difference when it comes to passing or failing a class. The Exponent talked to professors ...
This module is a compulsory module for students on the Computer Science and Mathematics course. This module is the second of three calculus modules, whose collective aim is to provide the basic ...
Extends the concepts of Calculus I and II that deal with functions of a single variable to multi-variable functions, vector-valued functions and vector fields. Vectors and vector-valued functions, the ...
Continuation of APPM 1350. Focuses on applications of the definite integral, methods of integration, improper integrals, Taylor's theorem, and infinite series. Prereqs., APPM 1350 or MATH 1300 (min.