If it's the last one, you may have sleep apnea. And a CPAP machine ... The mask can't do its job if it's hanging off the side of your face. The CPAP relies on air pressure to work.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a highly effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. But you can expect some side effects from using the device, including gassiness. The ...
You might want to get a CPAP pillow, for example, which is designed with cutouts that allow you to sleep on your side without the mask digging into your face. Because a pillow isn't medically needed ...
"It's called GLP-1 receptor," said Dr. Atul Malhotra from the UC San Diego School of Medicine. It’s already FDA-approved to ...
CPAP machines help treat sleep apnea, which may have similar symptoms ... how they may help with various breathing problems, and what side effects you might experience while using one.