As a fervent fan of twiddly and twirly widgets and tactile buttons in a device’s user interface, [Steve M Potter] created a remote control (pendant) for his CNC machine, which he explains in a ...
It uses the GPIO ports of a Raspberry Pi Pico to create an USB Host Port (using Pico-PIO-USB) to listen for input from USB devices and generates G-Code commands to control a Duet based CNC machine.
[Tony Liechty] has been having a few issues getting into CNC machining — starting with a simple router, he’s tripped over the usual beginners’ problems, you know, things like alignment of ...
The buzzer is a little more complicated as I used a 5V active one to get enough volume for it to be heard over the CNC machine. As it's 5V, and ESP32s are 3.3V, I used a 2n2222A transistor, with a 220 ...