Which is to say, yes, this is a $100,000 GameCube that can’t play games. As the eBay description ... But be sure before you buy. The sales page makes clear there’s no-takes-backsies.
The GameCube paved the way for unique design ... It's also one of the most expensive Pokémon games that money can buy, spiking in value across the 2010s and 2020s. Anyone who bought it new ...
Bring the party on 5 classic boards from the Nintendo 64 Mario Party games Show your friends and family who’s boss in 100 minigames from throughout the Mario Party series All game modes can be ...
This authentic GameCube-style Nintendo Switch controller comes in wireless or wired models with Super Mario Bros. themes.
and you could walk into Circuit City and buy those tiny little DVD-Rs. But you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t burn GameCube games, at least without advanced soldering skills. One company did.