The bulletproof glass itself is part of a long ... If you want something that can stop an arrow, there’s a lot of materials science to be learned from the ancient Greeks.
Can I make bulletproof glass with no experience? I attempted some different methods to see what makes the glass able to stop bullets.
The Bodyguard Blanket, made by a company called ProTecht, is a bulletproof 5/16-inch pad, made from the same materials used by our military, except it's for kids. They even come in different sizes.
Goats engineered to produce milk laden with spider-silk proteins may be able to turn human skin into a bulletproof shield, the Daily Mail reports. The milk’s proteins are extracted and woven into a ...
In the past few years you may have heard about graphene, the “miracle material” that will revolutionise everything from bulletproof vests and computer chips to spaceships and water filters.
“Following the shooting incident targeting former President Trump in the United States, we once again instructed prefectural police to thoroughly utilize bulletproof materials and equipment ...
Joseph Haynes has been in the construction industry all his life. He is the CEO of Action Bullet Resistant in West Islip.
They are used to make bulletproof vests, strong ropes, and high-performance car tires, for example. These extremely tough materials have one drawback: they are very difficult to recycle.