A funky, action-packed adventure based on a book written by Kotaro Isaka, "Bullet Train" follows an unlucky assassin as he takes an assignment on the fastest train in the world. The mission gets ...
Fox 43 AM Live’s Dane Kroll and Ginger Park with the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library discuss the Fox 43 AM Live Book ...
objectives--on the world's fastest train. The end of the line is just the beginning in this non-stop thrill-ride through modern-day Japan.
Frustration over the West’s apparent indifference to Japanese novels led to the making of “Bullet ... Train,” the Hollywood action-thriller starring Brad Pitt. The movie is an adaptation of ...
£18.99), Kotaro Isaka’s sequel to his bestseller Bullet Train. Nanao is sent to an elegant Tokyo hotel by his handler Maria with a simple task: deliver a birthday package to a man on behalf of ...