A multidisciplinary Purdue University research team is recreating mosquito antennae to better study their sensitivity to vibrations. Should the research prove fruitful, it could lead to ...
The innovative design involves carefully extracting the antennae of silkworm moths and attaching them to electrodes on an electroantennography (EAG) sensor, a system used to measure electrical ...
One-spotted stink bug commonly found in Minnesota soybeans. Photo: Ione L. BugGuide.net. Shield-shaped bodies with a triangular structure (scutellum) on their backs. 5-segmented antennae.
To overcome these challenges, researchers in Japan have developed a new type of drone that uses silkworm moth antennae to detect smells, just like insects do in nature. Animals, especially insects ...
Japanese researchers recently unveiled a bio-hybrid drone with live silkworm moth antennae, enabling it to navigate and detect odors with unprecedented precision. “In this research, we strive to ...
Researchers have now developed a novel bio-hybrid drone by combining robotic elements with odor-sensing antennae from silkworm moths. Their innovation, which integrates the agility and precision ...
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