To maintain good oral health, it's important to floss properly, taking into account your tooth shape and flossing frequency.
Discover the effects of brushing your teeth after eating, learn how long to wait to brush after meals or post-vomiting and get more tips to keep teeth healthy.
Learn why waiting 30 minutes after eating protects your dental health, plus expert tips on the best times to brush your teeth ...
If you struggle to keep your kids honest about brushing their teeth, try a toothbrush tracker that monitors brushing habits ...
Dentists suggest that you leave the toothpaste residue for at least a little while after brushing your teeth. Here’s what you ...
A dental hygienist has gone viral after sharing the correct order in which you should be cleaning your teeth - and it turns out many of us have been doing it incorrectly our whole lives ...
So next time you brush your teeth, try resisting the urge to rinse right away. Instead, let the toothpaste linger in your mouth for a few extra moments, giving the fluoride more time to work its ...
Thinking of switching to an electric toothbrush in 2025? Here's a handy guide to upgrading your daily brushing game ...
An American dental clinic has taken to social media to share three instances when you should avoid brushing your teeth. Warwick Dental, based in Oklahoma, USA shared an Instagram reel to advise ...
Maintaining good dental health is crucial for your smile and overall well-being. By following a few simple habits, you can ...
Are you brushing your teeth properly? Brushing your teeth is a simple task that should be done twice a day, but there are a few things you may be doing that can damage your teeth. Cosmetic dentist and ...