In The Ugly Stepsister, Norwegian director Emilie Blichfeldt recasts the story of these "ugly" young women as a horrifying ...
Emilie Blichfeldt's The Ugly Stepsister twists Cinderella into a bloody horror story about the pain and despair of trying to ...
Far from being dreamy romantics, Jacob and Wilhelm were political insurgents, as Ann Schmiesing’s The Brothers Grimm: A Biography reveals The Brothers Grimm are among the world’s most ...
Director Emilie Blichfeldt breaks down her dreamy horror fable "The Ugly Stepsister," which is debuting at Sundance on Thursday.
The Norwegian film "The Ugly Stepsister," which premiered Thursday at the Sundance Film Festival, ramps up the darkness of ...
It drops readers right in on the action in San Francisco as the New Champions assemble to take down The Brothers Grimm. The evil duo think they’re being attacked by Moon Knight when crescent ...
New Champions #2, by writer Steve Foxe, artists Ivan Fiorelli and Ig Guara, colorist Arthur Hesli, and letterer Travis Lanham, is published by Marvel Comics on February 12.