Across the three services, where officers compose between 12 and 20 percent of the force, they received between 58 and 65 ...
The Bronze Star medal is the eighth-highest award in the U.S. Army and dates back to World War II. Service members can be ...
Leonard F Pryor's medals "were passed to me a few years ago, as his namesake," his great-grandson Leonard Lawson told Newsweek.
Pete Celentano of Jackson and Michael Vaccaro of Middletown braved danger and earned medals in Vietnam, but lost paperwork ...
Friends, comrades and congressmen succeeded after 34 years to get Cipriano DelBosque awarded the Bronze Star Medal for bravery during the Gulf War.
Edward Motz served in the Army and had earned the WWII Victory Medal, the WWII Honorable Service Lapel button, the Good ...