Its beyond the scope of a bridge column to teach any bidding system in details. However, let me present an overview of this aspect of the game. Any partnership has got 35 legal bids at its disposal.
Leo Tolstoy wrote, “Error is the force that welds men together; truth is communicated to men only by deeds of truth.” Error is the force that welds less ...
1NT by West seems to fail by one trick on K♦ lead, and 4S should fail. However, as we all know, bridge is an inexact science; on this deal, at least, joyously so!
In July, RIDOT received no bids to replace the westbound side of the bridge, as some developers questioned the practicality of completing construction by the department’s initial August 2026 deadline.
The two finalists competing to rebuild the westbound Washington Bridge will get three confidential meetings with state ...