Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth. It is mainly caused by the germs in plaque. Apart from this, there are few ...
"We measure around each tooth, where your gums are attaching to your tooth. If we are seeing inflammation, bone loss and gum disease, then we know that is a risk for you," said Cassleman. What can you ...
The gums will recede and the tooth will become mobile and can be lost due to the loss of bony support. “Losing teeth affects our ability to eat, and speak and leaves the remaining teeth with a ...
At this stage inflamed gums pull away from your teeth, and infected pockets can form. The infection eventually destroys soft tissue and bone, and can loosen teeth. To avoid tooth loss, you may ...
Yet if left unchecked it could lead to receding gums and gum pockets, bone deterioration, and finally, tooth loss. In fact, periodontitis, the most severe form of gum disease, is the leading cause ...