BlueDriver is proudly American owned and is the OBD2 Diagnostic Scan Tool trusted by professional mechanics and developed and supported by Professional Engineers.
This is a OBD II reader, it is designed to connect to a bluetooth Elm327 OBD reader. Please take a look at the Wiki for more information. This application is free from the Android Market. As of the ...
Here are the best Bluetooth OBD2 scanners. Communicating with a car ... Simple, through a scanner or fault code reader plugged into a communication port on the car. This communication port ...
React-native OBD-II reader designed to connect with Bluetooth Elm327 OBD reader. This project is inspired from android-obd-reader so that we wrapped the OBD Java API in order to use in react-native ...
This isn't just your average Bluetooth OBD-II module, beaming information from your car to the app on your phone. I was thrilled to see that it also goes well beyond the capabilties of rival ...