This is an audio recording of a blue whale's "song" (2.5 minutes) captured by San Francisco State University Professor Roger Bland at Pioneer Seamount Underwater Observatory off the coast of ...
tools that sifted through over 200,000 hours of audio recordings containing various ocean sounds. Related: Hidden DNA found ...
This event follows a string of unexpected whale sightings in the area, including an endangered blue whale in St. Marys Bay and a rescued minke whale in the Shubenacadie River just last month.
Read more about sperm whales: Watch underwater footage of the mammal and hear its strange clicking sounds that are crucial to their survival 8 Mind ...
A new study has found that whale songs can act as a barometer for the effects of climate change on ocean ecosystems.
The sound is so loud, the snapping shrimp competes with much larger creatures, such as the blue whale, to be the loudest animal in the ocean. Reef sounds are beneficial to some marine animals, which ...
from the infra-sound of blue whales, to the ultra-sound of pistol shrimp, all sea life only tunes into part of the spectrum of sound available. In creating a soundtrack suitable for the human ...