I shall be guiding you how to import models to gmod using blender with source tools, vtfedit and crowbar. I will publish a youtube tutorial on this later. This tutorial is wip, and more example files ...
Blender is a massively popular and powerful 3D program, with versatile modeling abilities that make it a great way to enter the 3D modelling world. Blender 3D Incredible Models is an extensive guide ...
Building anything in Blender can come with a high barrier to entry for users who are new to the software. But if you are just starting out and want to create a model that you can actually finish ...
Blender-2.8-MD5-import-export-addon .MD5 model ( idTech 4 .md5mesh and .md5anim ) import/export addon for Blender 2.8 thru Blender 3.1.2. Supports batch import/export of .md5anim files as actions in ...