With 63% of Ireland's birds at risk of extinction, an Irish ornithologist is utilising recordings he is making to advocate ...
When a bird sings, it can always be heard, even after it has moved out of sight. Sound travels in all directions; it can penetrate through or around objects. But how do birds produce such a ...
The early birds of February and March tend to be short distant migrants, or at least species with populations that winter ...
Bird song is probably the most familiar type of bird sound. Songs are the complex and tuneful vocalisations made by many garden bird species throughout the day, especially in the morning. Songs are ...
(This article forms a part of the Science for All newsletter that takes the jargon out of science and puts the fun in!
While the average Hackaday reader might not be able to take part in data gathering in an isolated wilderness somewhere, we are all surrounded by bird life. Using an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense and ...
Having equipped your Pi with a USB sound card, you can make it do 24/7 recording and analysis using a “lite” version of BirdNET. Then, you get a web interface you can log into and see bird ...
Bird song is probably the most familiar type of bird sound. Songs are the complex and tuneful vocalisations made by many garden bird species throughout the day, especially in the morning. Songs are ...