Every week Joanne Zilm, of Farmingdale, arrives early to play at 110 Bingo in Melville. She sits in her car reading a book ...
News readers love the games that appear in each day’s edition. Starting next week, you can play one that promises prizes to five lucky winners.
Salem News readers love the games that appear in each day’s edition. Starting next week, you can play one that promises ...
Break the policies of the bingo hall and you’ll never live it down. And so, a few games in, I found myself waiting for just one number to complete my line. Once my line was full I should then ...
This stark contrast in numbers shows just how difficult goal-setting and keeping can be. But, with something fun like a bingo card version of a vision board to keep handy throughout the year ...
In the end, it was second grader Cooper Kasprzak whose number was called for the big payout. Unselfishly, Cooper donated the ...