Southeast Asian languages haven’t heard of Jesus — but 25 translators are changing that! Wycliffe Associates provide Starlink ...
the Statenvertaling (States' Translation) was the realization of the initial work of the Synod of Dordt. But the wait for a complete Dutch Bible that drew from the original languages of Scripture had ...
The English Standard Version (ESV) Bible is undergoing its first text update in nearly a decade, with revisions to 36 passages across 42 verses, the ESV Translation Oversight Committee announced.
A working group at the University of Tartu's School of Theology and Religious Studies has begun work on a new ...
Last spring, the National Council of Churches commissioned the Society of Biblical Literature to lead a review and update of the New Revised Standard Version translation of the Bible. The new NRSV ...
The Hebrew Bible is one of the first few thousand books added to the college’s library possibly delivered to Adrian by Asa Mahan, founder of Adrian College.
This year marks the 400th anniversary of the death of King James VI and I. The greatest legacy of his reign was the ...