But other drugs work just as well and cost less, according to a Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs analysis. Here's how to treat heartburn right. "Proton pump inhibitors are often the first thing ...
Some individuals frequently experience heartburn due to spicy, acidic, or fatty foods. This condition is marked by a burning ...
Globally, millions experience gastrointestinal problems such as heartburn and acid reflux. These medical issues can cause discomfort, interfering with the enjoyment of daily activities. A common ...
Heartburn is no fun. And if you love food, it can be your worst enemy. You don't have to put a damper on your dining just because you have heartburn. With these tips and a little self-observation ...
You can try natural remedies to ease symptoms and ... If you're experiencing heartburn on a regular basis, it's best to keep a journal or log of which foods trigger heartburn for you.
Several of the PPIs have been widely advertised to consumers and heavily promoted to physicians, and this has led to an overuse of the drugs in the treatment of garden-variety heartburn.