Defend your home with Wondercide Indoor ... repellent might do the trick. But if you have any reason to suspect a larger issue or think the cockroaches may return, you might opt for more repellent ...
SUPER VALUE MOUSE REPELLER: Mice repellent indoor kit includes 4 packs upgraded rodent rat repellent indoor. It can repel pests and rodents effectively without clean up their dead bodies.
Best Essential Oils for Mosquito Repellent ... What is the most effective essential oil-based insect repellent for indoor use? For indoor use, a blend of peppermint, lavender, and tea tree oil ...
Having experienced the former on almost every holiday to date and the latter (alongside an expensive hospital stay twice), I'd go as far as saying the best mosquito repellents are life-changing.
Effective protection for cars: The rodent repellent for car engines uses a combination of 18-36kHz ultrasonic waves and LED strobe lights to effectively high frequency repel mice, rat, squirrels ...