But "at his best he remains a superior ... "retired" Ziggy Stardust. Her book makes a refreshing change from the hagiographic tone of most Bowie biographies, said John Aizlewood on iNews.
One of the best biographies on Einstein, the book discusses how Einstein’s insolent personality served as the impetus for his groundbreaking discoveries and also explores his often rocky ...
biographies provide valuable lessons that can inspire and motivate. As we step into 2025, there are a few iconic books that stand out among the crowd. These books not only tell gripping stories of ...
There have been hundreds of books written about Marilyn Monroe ... had the odds stacked against her. Spoto’s biography is possibly the best: capturing the horrific origins of her early ...
From fiction to nonfiction — as well as new celebrity memoirs and biographies — here are PEOPLE's picks for the best new books to read this July. Miéville, an author, was surprised when he ...