The Sonic Adventure series marked the 3D debut of Sega's platforming mascot, and to celebrate the hedgehog's arrival on the ...
After that, both Sega and Nintendo did 2D and 3D gaming for Sonic and Mario. The latest of the Sonic games was Sonic x Shadow Generations, a remaster of an older 2D game. The last 3D adventure ...
As usual with sudden spikes in price like this, it’s likely that the resale costs for all of these Sonic video games will ...
The last time I wrote about Sonic fangame, I innocently and absent-mindedly described it as "SNES-style". This led to ...
With “Sonic” sprinting at the box office and cult-hit reboots underway, Sega is on the rebound. It’s not just nostalgia, says ...
SEGA has released the Sonic Jam skin for Sonic X Shadow Generations, and the best part is, the skin is free for all players.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has some fun and stylish credits, and now the person that made them has shared how they did it.
So, let’s get the best quotes with spoilers on. The movie opens close to a race involving Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails going through the woods. It’s a mini-game to distract Sonic from a surprise ...
Obviously, we know the curse of third films in trilogies, but Sonic has defied that, and this is the best-reviewed movie ... one of the first batch of video game projects in the modern era that ...