Lipomas are benign and common soft-tissue tumours with many different clinical presentations. Surgical management can sometimes be tricky, and surgeons must keep in mind the potential risk of ...
A lipoma is a type of benign fatty tumor. They are typically soft and squishy and located just below the skin. A person may wish to undergo lipoma removal if it is growing or causing discomfort or ...
Histopathological examination identified a benign colonic lipoma, with ischaemic and necrosed intussuscepted colonic segment. Intestinal intussusception is rare in adults and only accounts for 1% of ...
Lipomas of the breast are lumps made up of fat ... "Many lumps turn out to be benign," she explained. "But the most important ...
He first noticed a lump on his leg in 2014, which was initially thought to be a benign lipoma. However, while training for the Great North Run in 2015, his stepdaughter, a doctor, noticed it had ...
All abdominal organs were normally sited. Endobronchial lipomas are rare, representing 3.2–9.5% of all benign lung tumours, with the majority consisting of hamartomas and adenomas.1 Most benign lung ...
ABSTRACT: Background: Congenital lipoma is a rare benign tumor in infants, commonly affecting areas such as the trunk, neck, abdomen, forearms, buttocks, and thighs. However, it is infrequently ...
Cardiac Tumors are very rare but have devastating consequences given that they involve such an important organ. The majority of tumors are benign myxomas, which can present in very subtle ways ...
For males, the most discriminating features were macrocephaly, lipomas, papillomatous papules, penile freckling, benign GI lesions, and benign thyroid disease. Age related differences were also ...