But in one corner of the gym, at the OKC MAPS 3 Health and Wellness Center, a small group of seniors are lifting the ceiling ...
The bench press is one of the Big Three in competitive powerlifting alongside deadlifts and squats. These are the benefits of ...
Here's an easy method of progression you can use to strengthen your bench press: Warm-up with just the ... you'll need plenty of space wherever you plan on putting it. It weighs roughly 110 ...
There aren't many lifts that have quite the pedigree, quite the fanbase, quite the same brand awareness as the bench press. It’s one of the first movements that most of us gravitate towards upon ...
The 5/3/1 training split, where lifters wave through sets of five, three, and one rep over the course of weeks, has been helping lifters build strength in some of the heaviest movements in the gym—the ...