The price of the Behringer Swing MIDI controller has risen from $99 to $169, making it more expensive than the Arturia ...
CC 2 EQ Low Mid 0 127 64 is centre CC 3 EQ High Mid 0 127 64 is centre CC 4 EQ High 0 127 64 is centre CC 14 Send Level to Mon1 0 127-70 to +10dB CC 15 Send Level to Mon2 0 127-70 to +10dB CC 16 Send ...
In this DIY-project I will completely redo the internals of the Behringer FCB1010 midi foot controller. I will add an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and some extra buttons and leds to the controller.
As long as it’s just sitting around not being used, who cares? [OmniSaiRen] had a Behringer MIDI controller just taking up space. Instead of selling it, they decided to build it into something ...