A new analysis of 105-year-old data on the effectiveness of "dazzle" camouflage on battleships in World War I by Aston ...
Even though the Illinois no longer exists, a small fragment of it remains to remind us of what might have been.
The last World War I-era American dreadnought USS Texas (BB-35) will remain in the Port of Galveston as a museum ship, the ...
Now that Battleship Texas will finally dock in Galveston after years of negotiations, its former home at the San Jacinto ...
In the American press, headlines proclaimed "Spanish Treachery!" and "Destruction of the War Ship Maine Was the Work of an Enemy!" William Randolph Hearst and his New York Journal offered a $ ...
Microsoft cofounder and philanthropist Paul Allen announced that he has discovered Musashi, a World War II Japanese battleship that was sunk by US forces over 7o years ago. Allen and his research ...
After serving in World War II and as a training ship afterward, the USS Becuna was enhanced with a GUPPY 1-A conversion in 1951. The submarine carried out various peacetime missions, such as ...
At the opening of the 20th century, the Royal Navey was the largest in the world, British Maritime supremacy was by no means unchallenged. The most alarming was the perceived threat to come from ...