Inspired by the dark reimagining of the Caped Crusader in Tim Burton’s Batman films, Batman: The Animated Series proved that superhero cartoons weren’t just gaudy colors and cheesy villains.
"Batman: The Animated Series" homages "Angels With Dirty Faces" in "It's Never Too Late," one of the series' most mature episodes which also features a gangster and a priest. The focus of the ...
"Batman: The Animated Series" was the perfect synthesis of The ... We're here to pay tribute to the 15 best episodes from this superlative show, which like its hero, still casts a long shadow.
OK, so, James Gunn wouldn’t fully reveal the costume that his Batman will eventually wear in the live-action DCU. However, he ...
The episode starts with a skyline shot of Gotham, orchestral fanfare akin to Batman: The Animated Series, and a referential shot of a stone gargoyle overlooking the city, setting the stage for the ...