President Donald Trump singled out Baltimore schools on Thursday for their math achievement scores as the administration ...
Individuals seeking an instructional certificate will no longer need to pass a “basic skills” test administered by ... New Jersey is especially in need of math and science teachers, according ...
A Bengaluru-based CEO sparked debate, claiming Gen Z know social media skills but lacks maths and problem-solving skills.
“In Baltimore, 40% of the high schools have zero students who can do basic mathematics,” Trump said before he signed an executive order at an event with school children and the U.S. Secretary of ...
President Trump said Thursday that America ranks near the bottom of the list in terms success in education, pointing to failing math scores across the country and in Baltimore City.
Mayor Brandon Scott responded to criticism from President Donald Trump after he said that “40% of the high schools have zero ...
Read more:Low math and English scores mark the nation's report card, California and L.A. included Not only are few students scoring as Advanced or Proficient, but fewer are achieving this test's ...