With that in mind, you might want to file away a few of the tips in [AvE]’s video of how he made bulletproof glass for a rainy day. By his own admission, [AvE]’s video is a little disjointed ...
[Glenn] hasn’t put up action shots, but he did write up how he made his own “Bulletproof” glass. The idea is simple: make a composite sandwich of Acrylic and Polycarbonate plastic.
HomeShield® by Armitek fortifies home glass. Ballistic glass is available for businesses, homes, schools, cars, and more. Impact glass only does weather impact, ballistic glass does more than that.
Slow motion photo of an AR-15 bullet stopped by Armitek ballistic glass. Former Police Officer Reveals This Shift in Security The typical alarm system...only makes a call after someone has come in ...