baked beans, roasted vegetables, or desserts like chia pudding or chocolate truffles. Millet is a gluten-free, whole grain with 74g of carbs per 100g and rich in nutrients and antioxidants.
Baked beans can make up part of a balanced diet, but it's best to eat them alongside foods such as vegetables, eggs and slow-release carbohydrates to ensure a good balance of nutrients with not ...
I don’t know about you, but we always have baked beans in the cupboard so this ... Each serving provides 860 kcal, 38g protein, 112.4g carbohydrate (of which 39.4g sugars), 20.5g fat (of which ...
A tin of baked beans makes this shakshuka so easy to make ... Each serving (including the cheese) provides 834 kcal, 43g protein, 56g carbohydrates (of which 25g sugars), 44.5g fat (of which ...