Perioral dermatitis is a rash that appears as clusters of inflamed skin and small raised bumps around the mouth and nose. The ...
An itchy, blister rash can be caused by an allergic reaction; an autoimmune disorder; a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection; and trauma to the skin. Figuring out the trigger is key to relief and ...
When bacterial meningitis leads to sepsis (a blood infection), also known as meningococcal septicemia or meningococcemia, it ...
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a bacterial infection. People get it from the bite of an infected ... RMSF gets its name from the trademark rash it causes. Small red spots and blotches begin on ...
If the rash itches, make sure that your child's fingernails are trimmed short so skin isn't damaged through scratching. Try an over-the-counter anti-itch medicine to help relieve the itching. The ...
If bacteria enter the plugged sweat glands, it can lead to inflammation and infection. Learn why some people sweat more than others. Heat rash often goes away on its own within about 24 hours.
Pseudomonasis a type of bacteria that's commonly found ... You may only get a mild skin rash or an ear or eye infection. Or you may have already had a pseudomonas infection and didn't realize ...
The rash itself doesn't need treatment ... so it is best to consult your doctor when these spots appear. If you have a bacterial infection, you may need to take antibiotics.
Hyderabad: Doctors are raising concern over cases of scarlet fever among children. It is a bacterial infection that usually ...
The GP thought that a viral upper respiratory tract infection was the most likely diagnosis but nevertheless prescribed amoxicillin just in case the rash was caused by a bacterial infection. He also ...
If the rash persists, speak to your doctor or health visitor. If you suspect your baby has a bacterial infection of the skin or eczema (usually the rash appears bright red, very painful or itchy, and ...