The composer and saxophonist Yasuaki Shimizu is at home in free jazz, classical and art pop. Finally touring North America, ...
A musical marathon at Bach Around the Clock, better patient healthcare at Augusta Health, Bridgewater College's jazz bands to ...
The award-winning conductor talks about his musical journey and what it was like conducting in the same spot as Bach.
The acclaimed Portsmouth Baroque Choir and Consort of Twelve directed by Malcolm Keeler return to Fareham United Reformed ...
Director of Music and organist Adam Brakel will perform Bach’s Cantata 106 during the 10:30 a.m. service, and six works for a ...
Amiri Harewood ranks Bach as his favourite composer. But when he was growing up it was Michael Jackson who held sway. “I ...
Bach lovers, and music lovers in general, who gathered to hear a well-played program of mostly familiar works, some transcribed from cantatas by Bach and others, some originally composed for organ.
That reach is uncommon even today, when humans generally are larger than in Bach’s time. “We cannot judge exactly how relevant the span of the hand is for the art of a musician,” Otte says.
Associate concertmaster Jeanyi Kim will be featured during Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra's Bach concerts March 21-23.
Music Worcester presents a Bach Birthday Bash weekend in Mechanics Hall March 21-23 to celebrate J.S. Bach's 340th birthday. The weekend will consist of four concerts featuring 14 of Bach's works ...