In a CBR review of Aliens vs. Avengers #3, we see how the X-Men are drawn into this epic and deadly crossover event by Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribić ...
Avengers #3, arriving in comic shops this Wednesday, February 19th. THE ENGINEERS GO TO WAR! But in a world of cosmic heroes and genetic mutants, the Engineers are not the only gods of creation.
But like every dead superhero, there's still a chance for rebirth. Joe and Anthony Russo, co-directors of Avengers: Infinity ...
In Aliens vs. Avengers #3, the suriving Avengers (Carol Danvers, Tony Stark, Miles Morales) have successfully escaped Earth with a final surviving colony of humans. Tony’s massive Avengers Tower ...
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Try a single issue or save on a subscription Issues delivered straight ...
There are characters that have not been leaked yet, such as Daredevil, Wonder Man, Moon Knight, and The Fantastic Four. The X ...
In his Avengers run, he was able to bring Victor and Mister Fantastic back while showing his chops with the likes of Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and more. In this issue, the star shining the ...
Hollywood is increasingly investing in big-budget films with well-known actors. This focus may push aside indie films and new ...
which brings the star-crossed lovers back together just in time for the 50th anniversary of their wedding all the way back in 1975's Giant-Size Avengers #3. And speaking of anniversaries ...
THE ENGINEERS GO TO WAR! But in a world of cosmic heroes and genetic mutants, the Engineers are not the only gods of creation. As the Engineers set out to destroy what they made, humanity's ...