The Austrian Club was closed for a short while over summer, but reopened in early February with a refurbished bar and four ...
Here are some of the most popular iconic Austrian dishes: Wiener Schnitzel is a traditional Austrian dish made with veal or ...
Schnitzel can be made with veal, chicken, or pork. When using pork, which cut offers the best flavor and classic texture?
An curved arrow pointing right. Weiner Schnitzel originated in Austria, but the breaded veal cutlet has become a popular dish throughout Europe. Walliser Kanne in Basel, Switzerland has become ...
Breaded chicken with slaw? We love all that schnitzel! The Hairy Bikers' Middle-Eastern take on an Austrian classic is great for feeding the family. For the chicken, put the flour on a large plate.
Traditional Austrian taverns (known as beisls) serve up hearty portions of Tafelspitz (boiled beef), goulash (a rich stew made primarily from beef and potatoes) and Wiener schnitzel (deep-fried ...