[rossumur]’s hardware for giving the Atari 8-bit computers an SD card slot is just one chip – an LPC1114 ARM Cortex M0. This, along with an SD card slot, 3.3V regulator, a LED and some caps ...
In 1982, a software-based version of this synthesis was released for the Atari 8-bit line of computers, and ever since them [rossumur] has wondered whether or not it could run on the very ...
and Atari 8-bit family. Shaw did the Atari 8-bit and Atari 5200 ports herself. Activision published a less successful sequel in 1988 without Shaw's involvement.
And while the Atari 8-bit library (400/800/XL/XE – although this unit also supports Atari 5200 games) doesn’t rival that of the C64 or the ZX Spectrum, there are hundreds of cracking games out there, ...
2600 (STELLA) Programmer's Guide by Steve Wright Steve Guidi Video Companion Files (GitHub): Find some sample programs as well as a keyboard "overlay". He also has a project for connecting a PS2 ...
Atari announced the "Gamestation Go" this week with several posts on the X platform, including a video. The handheld console is set to be unveiled at CES 2025 in Las Vegas in the next few days.