Some allergies are going to make any hope of pursuing certain careers unpleasant at best and impossible at worst. For ...
Photos taken by the India Space Research Organization moon orbiter Chandrayaan 2 recently show aerial images of Apollo 11 and ...
Sullivan. It's "one of the deepest, most emotional experiences I have ever had," said NASA astronaut Gene Cernan. "You realize that on that small spot, that little blue and white thing ...
NASA released this video of "The Last Man on the Moon" showcasing amazing footage of Eugene Cernan preparing for the life-changing mission that will bring him to the edge of human's reach.
Eugene Cernan left the final bootprint that may ever ... God, if only I were a poet. An astronaut's-eye view of Africa's Lake Chad, taken from the Gemini 9 spacecraft. When the hatch stood open ...
Apollo 17 became the last mission to launch humans on the moon. With two astronauts on board, the lunar module Challenger touched down in an area called the Taurus-Littrow valley, where they spent ...
The Apollo missions continued until December 1972, when the program was shut down and astronaut Eugene Cernan became the last man to walk on the moon. The Chandrayaan-2 mission launched on July 22 ...