A hundred years have passed since Felix Hoffmann, a German chemist, developed aspirin as a treatment for his father's arthritis. Since then, aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), has remained ...
Aspirin, generally regarded as a miracle drug ... Sometimes, you get a number ending in 5, like when a person has rheumatoid ...
Nearly every arthritis sufferer has taken a traditional painkiller like aspirin or Aleve. They are a great solution for relieving pain and inflammation, but there's a definite downside.
Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2012;10(4):433-439. This article suggests the need to reconsider the benefits of using aspirin in stroke prevention, especially in low-risk patients or patients not ...
Also, treating your dog’s joint pain with aspirin and other NSAIDS could have a worse effect on your pet. These drugs cause ...