Arthur is a 1981 American comedy film written and directed by Steve Gordon. It stars Dudley Moore as the eponymous Arthur Bach, a drunken New York City billionaire who is on the brink of an ...
If you grew up in the 1980s, you were likely influenced by Dudley Moore and his infectious brand of humor. Best known during ...
Arthur is a 1981 American comedy film written and directed by Steve Gordon. It stars Dudley Moore as the eponymous Arthur Bach, a drunken New York City billionaire who is on the brink of an ...
Stephanie Kern lost her husband to PSP, a disease so rare that only 5 out of every 100,000 people get it. She shares her ...
Arthur is a 1981 American comedy film written and directed by Steve Gordon. It stars Dudley Moore as the eponymous Arthur Bach, a drunken New York City billionaire who is on the brink of an ...